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Lauren Doyle


Since qualifying in 2013, I have gained a range of experience within social work in Ireland, Wales, and England. My strengths lie in direct work with children, risk assessment, and decision making. I complete child and family assessments which feature complex factors and international issues. I am confident in raising the voice of children within their proceedings and advising the court on the living arrangements that are in their best interest. In the last 6 years I have developed expertise in private law family proceedings, comprehensively analysing family issues under the Child Arrangements Programme, or before the High Court. Alongside my social work practice, I am a PhD candidate researching the experiences of children and young people in Private Law proceedings.

Peter Horrocks


After twenty years as a Social Worker, Team Manager and Senior Manager in the statutory and voluntary sectors, I now work as an Independent Social Worker. I undertake a wide range of different assessments, including complex Court work, parenting assessments, kinship assessments and SGO reports among others. My knowledge of other European and South American languages and cultures allows me to undertake relevant assessments overseas. I undertake assessments in immigration and asylum cases. A report submitted to the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) was named as a key document in a recent determination Re: MF(Article 8-New rules)Nigeria. Web:

Karen Singer


Since qualifying I had been a Social Worker and Senior Practitioner in several London Boroughs and in Avon prior to my current work as an Independent Social Worker and self employed Children’s Guardian. I had also been a tutor at Bristol University specialising in Family and Child Care issues relevant to Courts and with clarity of evidence and in reports. I have 30 years full time professional experience in a wide range of complex family situations including those requiring sensitivity and cultural awareness, and a particular concern for sibling contact to be established, maintained and advocated.

Blossom Francis


During 15 years of post qualifying experience in children and families front line service, I have gained invaluable experience of various facets such as parental substance misuse, parental mental health, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, honour based violence, to name a few. My Asian/Indian background and awareness of cultural issues benefit my assessment and intervention with various Asian and ethnic minority communities. My ability to speak, read and write Hindi and Gujarati is the cherry on top as I am able to tender my services to a larger population. I have undertaken parenting assessments, risk assessments, Pams, SGO assessments and viability assessments.

Robert Forrester


Born in Jamaica but educated in UK , I am at ease working with clients from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. I have worked in Residential Childrens Homes and after qualifying as SW I joined Hackney Children Services. This inner city experience helped develop strong assessment skills working with communities including Orthodox Jews, Turkish, S. Asians, West African, Eritreans, Caribbean, Irish, White British and Travelling families. I have addressed sexuality and gender issues. Worked for 9 Local Authorities & also Cafcass managing Children's Guardians in the Principal Registry. I was a manager at Windsor & Maidenhead and at Redbridge Children's Trust as a Quality Assurance Officer. I am interested and have undertaken training in so-called parental alienation. A good listener my primary task is to protect vulnerable children.

Angela Russo


As a bilingual (Italian/English) social worker registered in UK and Italy, I bring over 25 years of experience in social and criminal justice. I specialize in cross-border assessments between the UK and Italy, including Special Guardianship & Connected Person, Kinship, Viability, and Parenting Assessments. My experience covers navigating complex issues and be-spoke support in cross-border kinship care. With a background as a Family Court Advisor for Cafcass and a Probation Officer (in the UK and equivalent in Italy), I have developed particular interest and strength in addressing challenges related to alcohol/drug misuse, mental health, domestic violence, parental conflict, alienation allegations, sexual abuse, and Immigration/asylum. Based primarily in Italy, I collaborate with UK Local Authorities and Italian Social Services to facilitate transitions from the UK to Italy, arrange post-placement support, and secure legal permanency for children with kinship carers in Italy. Additionally, I work as a court expert with high-conflict bilingual families, in the Italian family courts and participate in conferences and training, that contribute to social work education in Italy.

Julia Isikwe Hughes


I am black of Afro-European heritage. I have worked as a Children and Families social worker for the London Borough of Ealing and Staffordshire social service departments. Between 1995 - 2020 I have worked as a Children’s Guardian. I undertake independent Social Work Parenting Assessments, Special Guardianship assessments and Fostering assessments and therapeutic life story work with children who are experiencing trauma as a result of abuse or parental disputes. My specialisms are: West African Culture, Race and Identity. I also undertake International assessments in Germany and Nigeria. I am an integrative psychotherapist and have a small private practice where I work with adults and young people.

Lynda Beat


After qualifying as a social worker in 1983 I have worked as a local authority social worker including in specialist mental health and child protection teams for 9 years. I have worked as a counsellor for the London Rape Crisis Centre, for the Pregnancy Advisory Service and for the NSPCC helpline. I was team manager in a local social services office for 4 years and have worked as a social worker for CAMHS. I have a particular interest in parents who have learning disability, depression and drug and alcohol difficulties. Since 1995 I have worked as a children’s guardian and since 2006 have acted as an independent social work expert providing assessments of carers and looking at contact disputes in private law proceedings.

Carole Littlechild


Whilst working with families to develop & maintain parenting skills, understand traumas associated with neglect & abuse, disrupted care through to alternative permanent parenting - understanding & representing children’s needs throughout has been my focus, as a social worker & manager in front line & adoption, in Court reports, as family mediator, as Children’s Guardian & Adoption Panel Advisor. Latterly I have specialised in developing my understanding of trauma and attachment needs in children. I have over 30 years of providing consultancy, practice supervision & training. I have extensive experience in all matters relating to adoption in England & Wales.

Tony Macklin


I have 34 years experience as a qualified Social Worker. I provide Independent Parenting Capacity Assessments and Kinship Assessments in Ireland and the UK. I have provided Guardian ad Litem Assessments to the Family Proceedings Court, Family Care Centre and High Court in Belfast since 1996 and District Court and High Court in Dublin since 2006. I also provide reports for legal proceedings in respect of children/adults abused in care and unaccompanied minors. I have acted as a Practice Teacher for several students and tutored on the Courtroom Skills Module for the Social Work Course at Queens University Belfast.