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Fareena Shaheed


I qualified as a Social Worker in 1996 and commenced work in a local authority, undertaking the full range of statutory intervention. After working with an Independent Fostering Provider I joined Cafcass as a Family Court Adviser, then progressing to Service Manager. I later returned to local authority practice in a QA and Practice Development role. As an Independent Practitioner I provide a broad range of high quality assessments. In addition, I have IRO experience, and contributed the OU SW degree course as an Associate Lecturer. I regularly design and deliver training for practitioners. Find out more or contact me at or

Faith Weekes


I have worked within the child care and child protection field for over 25 years, as a nursery officer, social worker and Children’s Guardian, the last 10 years as a Children’s Guardian and independent social worker. As an independent social worker I have completed a large number of assessments and reports for court in both private and public law proceedings. I have also completed a large number of parenting/fostering/special guardianship and kinship assessments for local authorities. I regard myself as child focused, fair and balanced in terms of my assessments and views.

Peter Horrocks


After twenty years as a Social Worker, Team Manager and Senior Manager in the statutory and voluntary sectors, I now work as an Independent Social Worker. I undertake a wide range of different assessments, including complex Court work, parenting assessments, kinship assessments and SGO reports among others. My knowledge of other European and South American languages and cultures allows me to undertake relevant assessments overseas. I undertake assessments in immigration and asylum cases. A report submitted to the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) was named as a key document in a recent determination Re: MF(Article 8-New rules)Nigeria. Web:

Eugene McCarthy


I provide an Assessment Service specialising in Form F, Special Guardianship, Kinship Care, & Art 56 (EU Regs) in relation to the placement of children in Ireland from the UK and other EU jurisdictions. I also provide risk assessment and follow up support and supervision where required. My agency Social Work Solutions Ireland is approved for the purposes of obtaining Garda (Irish Police) Vetting. Irish state registered social worker ( (Reg. No. 005439) and member Irish Assoc of Social Workers (IASW).

Marie-Louise Perkins


Qualified for 14 years, with 12 years frontline child protection and Court proceedings work including Team Manager roles in a Local Authority. Most recently I have been the PLO manager whilst providing staff training around court proceedings and involved in several High Court cases. I have completed Fostering assessments (Form F and reg 24) sibling assessments, parenting assessments (including for parents with addition, domestic abuse and mental health concerns), viability assessments for connected persons as well as working as a Cafcass Associate particularly in private law proceedings (Section 7 reports).

Elena Sandrini


I have 38 years experience of working with children and families gained in England, mainland Europe and some third world countries. I specialise in undertaking complex risk and kinship assessments in the UK and abroad, especially in third world states. I have considerable experience in assisting parties to identify common grounds and to enable conciliation when to do so is realistic and appropriate. I have a proven ability to work with those whose ability to care for them is impaired by learning disability of by the effect of substance misuse. I am a strong and effective motivator. I am a trained mediator, I am fluent in Italian and I am approved by the Italian Consulate to undertake assessments in Italy and my work is recognised by the Italian Courts. I have undertaken training as a coach with animas and I available to coach and mediate in English and Italian.

Barbara Lockhart-Gleeson


I have been a qualified social worker since 1981 and currently work part time in child mental health services in a national specialist team. I have worked regularly as an independent social worker providing reports to the courts since 2007, and have experience in both public and private law proceedings. I have also provided reports in the Netherlands. I have particular expertise in children with neuro-psychiatric disorders and mothers with mental health difficulties. Occasional availability at short notice in London and South East.

Angella Wells


I am involved in all aspects of court related family work, undertaking safeguarding/parenting assessments, report writing, delivering training and case file auditing. I am competent in PAMs assessments and have an interest in evidence-based intervention models of assessment/teaching such as Triple P parenting and various strengthening families’ models. I have previously worked as a Child’s Guardian/IRO advocating and supporting children and young people. More recently I have been involved in strategic management with oversight of a range of quality assurance functions, including policies/procedures, performance management, inspection preparation, contextual safeguarding of vulnerable adolescents and serious case review learning.

Nicci Levy


My background is in residential social care settings, working with children with emotional and behavioural difficulties and then I went on to specialise in child protection; working in local authorities as a Social Worker, Deputy Manager and Independent Reviewing Officer. Practising as an ISW since 2006 I undertake assessments for the Court in public and private law proceedings including PAMS Assessments. I carry out the role of Investigating Officer and Independent Person in the Stage Two complaint process as well as Stage Three Review Panel Member and I chair Foster Carer Annual Reviews of Approval. CV available on request.

Surinder Kumari


I have considerable experience of court processes and have undertaken numerous assessments for the courts on different aspects including Parenting, Friends and Family Assessments, Sibling attachment, Core Assessments, Social Work Assessments, Contact and Risk Assessments. Some of these have been complex pieces of work with families where there have been child deaths/torture, surrogacy and forced marriages. I am trained to undertake Parenting assessments using the PAMS assessment tool parents with learning difficulties and undertaken the teachings. I am passionate about working with families and presenting good quality assessments to assist the decision making process for children and their families.