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Seen and Heard Journal

Seen and Heard Journal

Editor, Rodney Noon

Seen and Heard  is Nagalro's well-respected and widely-read journal and is free to members.   It occupies a niche position because it is written specifically to meet the needs of practitioners in the Family Court.  It serves the needs of Children's Guardians, Independent Social Workers and Family Court Advisors who are carrying out assessments, writing reports and appearing before courts to make recommendations which will change the lives of children forever.

Our journal:

  • Informs readers about current issues, research, case law and developments
  • Identifies issues and promotes debate about policy and practice
  • Provides a forum for sharing experiences and opinions with professionals involved in the lives of children caught up in family proceedings
  • Analyses and updates best independent social work practice in child and family assessments
  • Explores work with children in family court proceedings
  • Highlights new research from across the world
  • Commissions and publishes articles from leading academics and practitioners on subjects relevant to our readers' daily work
  • ISSN: 1744-1072

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Since the beginnings of the tandem model of working there has been a remarkable history of lawyers and social workers learning from each other and emerging better practitioners for the experience.  Seen and Heard  actively promotes multi-disciplinary learning as the best way to ensure that practitioners are equipped to the serve the welafre of children. 


Articles are written by colleagues in law, academia, social work and psychology.  Each issue features news and comment; summaries of research and legislation updates; case law notes and book reviews.  


Seen and Heard  is sent free to Nagalro full, associate and retired members

The annual subscription for non-members is £35 and £20 for students.
Individual articles cost £15 per copy.  If you would like to read a back issue (not current Volume) please contact the Nagalro office at,  telephone 01372 818504.

Download Seen & Heard Application form or contact us at,  telephone 01372 818504.

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Advertising enquiries should be made to or telephone 01372 818504.

The Nagalro advertising policy can be downloaded here.

Peer Review

Whilst Seen and Heard is not a peer reviewed journal, we still inist on the highest standards of writing and evidence-based argument.  We also use this freedom to publish new and interesting information across the wide range of subjects which may be relevant to practitioners.


We welcome proposals from Nagalro members, subscribers and other professionals/researchers in the field, for future articles. If you wish to submit a paper for publication please read our submission guidelines here.  If you wish to discuss any proposed contribution, please contac the editor at

Book Reviews Policy

Seen and Heard publishes reviews of new books.  Reviews are written by experienced practitioners who are asked to consider the text as a working tool.  The editor will generally contact publishers to request copies of books which appear suitable.  Any publisher who is bringing out a relevant text which they would like to have reviewed should contact the editor at with details.



Current Issue - Volume 34 (4)





Recent Issues


Volume 34(3)


Volume 34 (2)



Volume 34 (1)




Volume 33 (4)


Volume 33 (3)


Volume 33 (2)

Volume 33 (1)


Volume 32 (4)


Volume 32 (3)


Volume 32 (2)

Volume 32 (1)


Volume 31 (4)


Volume 31 (3)

  • 'Nurturing Relationships between Looked-After Brothers and Sisters' - Shelagh Beckett
  • 'Mothers of Children Removed under a Care Order:  Outcomes and Experiences'  - Dr Vanessa Richardson and Professor Alison Brammer
  • 'Family Drug and Alcohol Courts: A Transformative Approach to Care Proceedings' - Phillippa Heath-Philpotts
  • 'Unlocking Disability Living Allowance for Foster Children with Disabilities' - Lynne Thompson


Volume 31 (2)


Volume 31 (1)


Volume 30 (4)


Volume 30 (3)


Volume 30 (2) 


Volume 30 (1) 


Volume 29 (4) 

  • 'The PLO Reforms and Outcomes for Children' - Judith Masson and Jonathan Dickens
  • 'From Active Participants to Passive Auditors:  Nagalro's concerns about the diminishing role of the Children's Guardian' - NAGALRO
  • 'Review of the Handling of Domestic Abuse Allegations in the Family Court - A Progress Report' - Lucy Reed


Volume 29 (3) 

  • 'Social Workers and Children's Guardians in the Family Justice System:  A Research-Based Future' - Sir James Munby
  • 'Therapeutic Use of Fairy Tales in Child Sexual Abuse'  Dr Nesrin Duman and Esra Bridge
  • 'It's Time to Ban the Physical Punishment of Children' - Dr Bernadette Saunders
  • 'Responding to Harmful Practices - FGM, Breast Flattening and Child Abuse Linked to Faith or Belief' - Rohma Ullah


Volume 29 (2) 

  • 'A Court for Migrant Children:  A Complete Pipe Dream?' - Catriona Jarvis
  • 'Parental Alienation - Where Are We Now?'  Julie Doughty
  • 'NSPCC School Service' - Tina Shaw


Volume 29 (1) 

  • 'Social Workers' Experiences of Intervening in Child Neglect Cases in Affluent Families' - Claudia Bernard
  • 'Acting in the Best Interests of Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children'  Sheila Melzak
  • 'The Intelligent Child:  Instructing His Own Solicitor' - Emily Ward
  • 'Afterthought, Not Incentive' - Kath Sharman


Volume 28 (4)

  • Nagalro' s Guide to the Professional Time Guidance:  How to interpret and lawfully apply Cafcass' 'Draft Guidance on the use of professional time to benefit children'
  • 'Understanding Group Localised Child Sexual Exploitation' - Kish Bhatti-Sinclare and Chris Smethurst
  • 'Fathers, Children and the struggle to become a recognised parent:  using court processes to recalibrate skewed relationships' - Gill Gorell Barnes


Volume 28 (3) 

  • 'Research on birth family contact for children who need out-of-home care' - June Thoburn
  • 'The relational world of contact'  John Simmonds
  • 'Video interaction guidance and the family courts - Monika Celebi and Rebecca Carr Hopkins
  • 'New Perspectives on the alienation of children following conflictual parental separation' - Brian Cantwell


Volume 28 (2) 

  • 'The family nurse partnership programme' - Nicole Hobson
  • 'Contact disputes and allegations of domestic abuse - identifying best practices'  Prof Rosemary Hunter and Prof Shazia Choudhry
  • 'The Parliamentary launch of the national enquiry into 'Thresholds'  - Eddie O'Hara
  • 'Three children of West Yorkshire:  Using drama to help young people cope with difficult situations' - Tacye Nichols


Volume 28 (1) 

  • 'When does pornography become a risk factor in family court assessments?' - Phil Watts and Amanda May
  • 'Seen and Heard:  Children's involvement in court proceedings - the Legal Framework'  - Rodney W Noon
  • 'Reflections from the Gard case and other recent 'difficult cases': could the English family courts be less 'anti-therapeutic' and more problem-solving?'  - Penelope Welbourne
  • 'Specially trained dogs in the UK criminal justice system' - Elizabeth Spruin and Katarina Mozova


Volume 27 (3) 

  • 'Parental Alienation or justifiable estrangement?  Assessing a child's resistance to a parent in the UK' - Dr Sue Whitcombe
  • 'Safer Safeguarding:  How multi-agency services for children can learn from other safety-critical organisations'  Harry Harrison
  • ''Reflections in recent developments in social work regulation and education  - Professor June Thoburn


Volume 27 (2)

  • Reflecting on some of the experiences and psychological considerations of supporting unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people
  • The meaning of the child to the adoptive parent:  understanding the contribution of the parent to the parent-child relationship in adoption
  • Transparency through publicaton of family court judgements
  • Personal safety for social workers


Volume 27 (1) 

  • 'Assessing Children and Families - Art or Science, or Art and Science, the safeguarding assessment and analysis framework' - Arnon Bentovim
  • 'Creating Families:  paths to parenthood for same-sex couples'  -Madeleine Reardon
  • 'Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and the Care System?  - Kay Al-Ghani


Volume 26 (4) 

  • 'If the Child Proections System isn't Fit for Purpose- where do we go from here?' - Sarah Phillimore
  • 'Rethinking Child Protection Strategy: progress and next steps'  Dr Lauren Devine
  • Permanence for Looked after Children:  confusing paths with destinations - Peter Bentley


Volume 26 (3) 

  • 'Patriarchy and Harmful Practices:  Not a Problem for us?' - Leethan Bartholomew
  • 'Family Group Conferences and Safeguarding Children'  Kate Parkinson and Deanna Edwards
  • Are we getting it right for Chldren?  The Future of Permanency Planning in England and Wales - Julie Doughty


Volume 26 (2) 

  • Open Letter from Nagalro in response to the policy paper:  Adoption: A vision for change (DfE) March 2016 - Nagalro
  • 'It's in their Culture':  Working with automatic prejudice towards Gypsies, Roma and Travellers during care proceedings - Dr Daniel Allen
  • Brief Encounters with Children - Gretchen Precey
  • Eva Gregory - A Life in Social Work - Alison Paddle


Volume 26 (1) 

  • Record of a Service using Mentalization-Based Therapy - Parenting together to help resolve entrenched conflict between separated parents over their chidlren, with particular emphasis on the impact of the work on the therapist - Kate Thompson
  • Hearing Children in Family Proceedings - what we can learn from global practice - Aoife Daly
  • Rupert Hughes:  Unsung Architect of the Children Act 1989 - Arran Poyser


Volume 25 (4) 

  • Changing our ideas about change - Polly Baynes
  • The Family Courts and Radicalisation of Children - Rodney Noon
  • Cheering on Change and Encouraging Hope - Bill Stone


Volume 25 (3) 

  • Is the Child Protection System Fit for Purpose? 
  • Special Issue Reporting on a multidisiplinary conference held on 1 June 2015 - Featuring:  Lauren Devine; Brid Featherstone; Kate Harrington; Sir Mark Heley; Sarah Phillimore; Lisa Wolfe; Vicki Eillis; Kirsty Seddon; Jerry Lonsdale


Volume 25 (2) 

  • Assessing Sibling Relationships for Placement:  A research review - Suzette Waterhouse
  • Assessing Sibling Relationships for Placement: A Case Study - Mary Carden
  • The Family Justice System and Recurrent Care Proceedings:  Are Birth Mothers given a Second Chance?  - Karen Broadhurst
  • Children's Guardians and Independent Reviewing Officers:  Representing Children's Interests in Care Proceedings and Beyond - Jonathan Dickens


Volume 25 (1) 

  • Ascertaining the wishes and feelings of children - Paul Bishop
  • Developing contemporary private law case work in Cafcass? - Brian Cantwell
  • A case for a legal test of relational harm in care proceedings  - Vanessa RIchardson


Volume 24 (3) 

  • Continuing  conflicts in adoption law and policy - Peter Bentley
  • Maternal outcasts, vulnerable mothers and repeat care proceedings - Karen Broadhurst
  • What the Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act 2014 means for Children's social work - Julie Doughty
  • Biking for Children in Care - Buidling a Bike Ride! - Gill Timmis


Volume 24 (2) June 2014

  • Opportunities and Prospects for Independent Social Work - David Jockelson
  • Recent Developments in Adoption Judgments and implications for Family Finding - David Ryden
  • Understanding and Working with the Alienated Child - Karen Woodall


Volume 24 (1) March 2014

  • Assessing Capacity to Protect in Kinship Care - Polly Baynes
  • The Review of Private Law:  A Role for Cafcass in the Change Process? - Brian Cantwell


Volume 23 (4) December 2013

  • Implications of recent developments in private child and family law for children's rights - Gillian Douglas
  • The use of narrative in the assessment of children affected by domestic homicide: care, contact and therapeutic needs - Sinead Marriott, Marta Neil and Maria Ruegger
  • Broadening my horizons: short-term independent social work in the Falkland Islands - Clare Mowbray


Volume 23 (3) September 2013

  • Parenting assessment reports – 26 weeks or bust! - Jane Andrews
  • Adoption: why the Children and Families Bill is not yet fit for purpose - Peter Bentley
  • The revised Public Law Outline: social work under the spotlight - Anthony Douglas
  • Working with children in a women’s refuge - Tina Shaw


Volume 23 (2) June 2013

  • ‘Thou loathed issue of thy father’s loins’: some effects of early childhood maltreatment as seen in Shakespeare’s Richard III - David Pitcher
  • Download cartoon illustrations for David Pitcher's article here
  • Thinking towards belonging - Jenny Sprince
  • Concurrent planning: a route to earlier permanence for young children - Rosemary Wolfson


Volume 23 (1) March 2013


Volume 22 (4) December 2012

  • Papers! Papers! Papers! Contact notes in care proceedings - Charlotte Collier
  • Meeting Children's Needs in a Compliance Culture: What Munro has to say to Cafcass - Alison Paddle
  • Listening to the Voice of the Infant in Interim Contact: The value of observation - Biddy Youell


Volume 22 (3) September 2012

  • South Asian and African-Caribbean Women's Experience of Cafcass - Ravi K Thiara and Aisha K Gill
  • Putting ISWs on the Map: Nagalro's role in establishing independent social work - Eva Gregory and Sarah Saunders.


Volume 22 (2) June 2012

  • Comment: Evaluating Expert Witness Psychological Reports:Exploring Quality(The Ireland Report) - Helen Mason
  • The Contribution of Experts in Care Proceedings: Evaluation of Independent Social Work Reports in Care Proceedings -  Julia Brophy, Charlie Owen, Judith Sidaway and Jagbir Jhutti Johal
  • O Guardian, Where Art Thou? - Martha Cover
  • Contact Within Care Proceedings: The Legal Framework - Tim O’Regan


Volume 22 (1) Mar 2012

  • Respect: Domestic Violence Perpetrator programmes and Dad's Space 1-2-1  - Neil Blacklock
  • 'Meet the Team!' Identifying blocks to grandparents in supporting their grandchildren - David Pitcher
  • Comment: The Munro Report v the Family Justice Review - David Bloomfield


Volume 21 (4) Dec 2011

  • Independent Reviewing Officers:  Past, Present and Future? - Noel Arnold
  • Towards Reunification:  Reconciling the Perceptions of Psychological Experts and Legal Professionals - Sue Candy
  • Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Not Just Another Pretty Face? - Edward P. RIley, Alejandra Infante, Sarah N. Mattson and Jennifer D. Thomas


Volume 21 (3) Sept 2011

  • Experts, the Final Frontier? - Charlotte Collier
  • Invisible Fathers and Gendered Practice: Reflections on the development and delivery of a training course for social work practitioners on working with fathers in the child protection context - Daryl Dugdale
  • Family Justice Review and Public Law Proceedings: Time to experiment? - Ed Mitchell


Volume 21 (2) June 2011

  • Special Feature - Family Justice Review: The Interim Report – Alan Bean; Julia Brophy; Sarah Coldrick; Ann Head; Edward Lloyd-Jones; Judith Masson; Mervyn Murch; Arran Poyser; Jane Robey; Penelope Welbourne.


Volume 21 (1) March 2011

  • Family Justice: The practical economic case – David Jockelson
  • The Ministry of Justice’s Consultation paper on Proposals for Reform of Legal Aid in England and Wales- the Nagalro response ­– Judith Timms and Judy Tomlinson


Volume 20 (4) Dec 2010

  • Interim Contact During Care Proceedings - Polly Baynes
  • The Coram Concurrent Planning Project:  A review of ten years’ experience - Rosemary Wolfson


Volume 20 (3) Sept 2010

  • Engaging with family conflict in Rule 9.5 casework - Brian Cantwell
  • ‘Do you see what I see?’ Thinking about contact in high conflict cases - David Pitcher


Volume 20 (2) June 2010

  • Young people’s views about media access to family courts: Implications for welfare practitioners – Julia Brophy
  • New trends in assessing parents who abuse drugs and alcohol and evaluating risk to their children – Julia Denning and Eva Gregory
  • Negotiating the legal process: Domestic violence and child contact in the lives of South Asian women and children – Ravi Thiara



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