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Philippa Hector


Pippa Hector started Hector Independent Assessments in March 2008 having worked in the statutory sector for over 10 years in Child Protection and Mental Health. She quickly gained a reputation for in-depth assessments and as demand has grown established a small team of Social Workers who offer a comprehensive Parenting and Kinship Assessment service. We have developed a framework for parenting assessments that gives a flexible range from snap shots of parents knowledge to in depth assessments over 12 weeks to analyse not only parental understanding but ability to change patterns of behaviour and promote the needs of their children.

Patricia Barry-Relph


I am Founder and Director of Co-Parenting Matters Ltd. I have extensive experience as an expert in the preparation of reports for Court in Public and Private Law Proceedings where there is a resist – refuse dynamic or contact difficulties with children of separated parents. I have a private clinical practice as a Specialist Systemic Family Therapist in Guildford, Surrey and in Totnes, Devon. I offer bespoke and tailored high conflict therapeutic interventions, and therapeutic viability assessments as a SJE. I am a registered social worker with 38 years’ experience in child protection, adult mental health, (warranted under 1983 MHA) with 20 years’ experience as a clinician in child and adolescent mental health CAMHS. I am a legally registered social worker with CORU in Ireland and am available to work within this jurisdiction.

Naomi Ruben


Naomi qualified in 2007, after completing the Graduate Training Scheme with Barnet Council. She worked for the Local Authority for a total of 13 years, covering a range of roles from frontline assessments to child protection and children in foster and kinship care. Having focused on Court Proceedings for several years, Naomi became an ISW in 2017. Since that time, she has completed a wide range of assessments, specialising in Parenting Assessments and SGO reports. Naomi also completes Private Law assessments where there are issues around residence and contact. Naomi is trained in completing Parent Assess assessments where there are known or suspected learning difficulties

Blossom Francis


During 15 years of post qualifying experience in children and families front line service, I have gained invaluable experience of various facets such as parental substance misuse, parental mental health, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, honour based violence, to name a few. My Asian/Indian background and awareness of cultural issues benefit my assessment and intervention with various Asian and ethnic minority communities. My ability to speak, read and write Hindi and Gujarati is the cherry on top as I am able to tender my services to a larger population. I have undertaken parenting assessments, risk assessments, Pams, SGO assessments and viability assessments.

Jeffrey Baker


I have more than 20 years’ experience as a qualified social worker, including 10+ years as an independent expert witness (ISW) in the UK family court. I have held social work and management roles in Local Authorities; acted as a children’s Guardian and family court advisor for Cafcass; and I regularly teach social work at several London universities, and for the NHS at the Tavistock Clinic. Previously in New York City, I gained experience in issues of mental health, substance misuse and trauma as a mental health clinician in the Rikers Island jail facility; in a child and adolescent psychiatric unit; and crisis work following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. As an ISW I complete Section 7 reports, parenting assessments, risk assessments, supervise and assess contact, and offer consultations for parents in private law proceedings. I have filed reports and given evidence in every family court in greater London and many across the country and my work has been positively evaluated in two published court judgements.

Paul Levy


My background is in residential social care and charitable organisation settings and I have been practising as an ISW since 2004. Since this time I have provided social work services in both statutory and voluntary settings ranging from front line interim management, expert witness assessments for the court in public and private law proceedings, including PAMS Assessments. I carry out Home Office age assessments and the role of Investigating Officer in the Stage Two complaint process as well as Stage Three Review Panel Chair. I also chair Foster Carer Annual Reviews of Approval. CV available on request.

Rukhsana Farooqi


Dr Rukhsana Farooqi Social Work Consultant/Director of Empowering Black Children and Families LTD a multidisciplinary Team. I have expertise in working with families from Pakistan, India and, Bangladesh and an interest in working with children of dual heritage. Also experience of working in child protection and assessing children and families subject to court proceedings. I have been a Guardian ad Litem for the Leicester, Nottingham, Birmingham and London panels and a part-time Court Welfare Officer for the Middlesex Probation Service. I undertake Independent comprehensive assessments in Public and Private Law Proceedings, immigration, age assessments and work for the Official Solicitor. I have expertise in forced marriage and honour based violence. I have undertaken assessments where there have been issues of radicalisation. I also have expertise in child and adolescent mental health and therapeutic work with young Asian women.

Peter Horrocks


After twenty years as a Social Worker, Team Manager and Senior Manager in the statutory and voluntary sectors, I now work as an Independent Social Worker. I undertake a wide range of different assessments, including complex Court work, parenting assessments, kinship assessments and SGO reports among others. My knowledge of other European and South American languages and cultures allows me to undertake relevant assessments overseas. I undertake assessments in immigration and asylum cases. A report submitted to the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) was named as a key document in a recent determination Re: MF(Article 8-New rules)Nigeria. Web: