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Judi Lyons


I have worked as an independent social worker specializing in providing assessments of children and their families, principally involved in Children Act (1989) proceedings since 2004. I have provided reports for local authorities, parents and grandparents in public law proceedings and given evidence in court. I have also conducted parenting assessments in the UK and Europe. Until 2010 I was also a Children’s Guardian, having spent 25 years in this role. I have combined this area of work with being a practice teacher and part-time lecturer in social work. I am a qualified FMA supervisor and work as a family mediator and supervisor in divorce proceedings. I currently train solicitors for the Children Panel.

Rukhsana Farooqi


Dr Rukhsana Farooqi Social Work Consultant/Director of Empowering Black Children and Families LTD a multidisciplinary Team. I have expertise in working with families from Pakistan, India and, Bangladesh and an interest in working with children of dual heritage. Also experience of working in child protection and assessing children and families subject to court proceedings. I have been a Guardian ad Litem for the Leicester, Nottingham, Birmingham and London panels and a part-time Court Welfare Officer for the Middlesex Probation Service. I undertake Independent comprehensive assessments in Public and Private Law Proceedings, immigration, age assessments and work for the Official Solicitor. I have expertise in forced marriage and honour based violence. I have undertaken assessments where there have been issues of radicalisation. I also have expertise in child and adolescent mental health and therapeutic work with young Asian women.

Carole Littlechild


Whilst working with families to develop & maintain parenting skills, understand traumas associated with neglect & abuse, disrupted care through to alternative permanent parenting - understanding & representing children’s needs throughout has been my focus, as a social worker & manager in front line & adoption, in Court reports, as family mediator, as Children’s Guardian & Adoption Panel Advisor. Latterly I have specialised in developing my understanding of trauma and attachment needs in children. I have over 30 years of providing consultancy, practice supervision & training. I have extensive experience in all matters relating to adoption in England & Wales.

Clare Mowbray


Clare Mowbray is a self employed Children’s Guardian/Family Court Adviser and Independent practitioner and practice teacher. Clare’s Cafcass work is within Gloucestershire, the independent practice is outside Gloucestershire. Independent work includes assessments in public and private law cases of parents and grandparents etc, assessments of prospective foster cases and file reviews in respect of social services provision. The training of Guardians, social workers and other professionals is carried out through Cafcass and independent assignments. Clare has a particular interest in mental health and adoption issues and markets her own report writing skills course for social workers.

Patricia Sweeney


I have been a Senior Social Worker working in Ireland’s largest local Authority where I assisted individuals and families to live independently whilst encouraging safe and secure communities. During this time, I completed a Masters in Mental Health, with a particular focus on forensic mental health and housing (published) and have also undertaken research for the Dublin Region Homeless Executive. I’ve worked with multiple internal and external stakeholders in developing and completing housing assessments for sex offenders. I am currently practicing as a mediator in community mediation. With over 20 years’ experience in social work, I am a member of CORU and the IASW (Irish Association of Social Workers). My current work includes Special Guardianship and Fostering Assessments, Financial Assessments, Supervision and Mentoring and Social Reports for Court.

Marie-Louise Perkins


Qualified for 14 years, with 12 years frontline child protection and Court proceedings work including Team Manager roles in a Local Authority. Most recently I have been the PLO manager whilst providing staff training around court proceedings and involved in several High Court cases. I have completed Fostering assessments (Form F and reg 24) sibling assessments, parenting assessments (including for parents with addition, domestic abuse and mental health concerns), viability assessments for connected persons as well as working as a Cafcass Associate particularly in private law proceedings (Section 7 reports).

Patricia Barry-Relph


I am Founder and Director of Co-Parenting Matters Ltd. I have extensive experience as an expert in the preparation of reports for Court in Public and Private Law Proceedings where there is a resist – refuse dynamic or contact difficulties with children of separated parents. I have a private clinical practice as a Specialist Systemic Family Therapist in Guildford, Surrey and in Totnes, Devon. I offer bespoke and tailored high conflict therapeutic interventions, and therapeutic viability assessments as a SJE. I am a registered social worker with 38 years’ experience in child protection, adult mental health, (warranted under 1983 MHA) with 20 years’ experience as a clinician in child and adolescent mental health CAMHS. I am a legally registered social worker with CORU in Ireland and am available to work within this jurisdiction.

Surinder Kumari


I have considerable experience of court processes and have undertaken numerous assessments for the courts on different aspects including Parenting, Friends and Family Assessments, Sibling attachment, Core Assessments, Social Work Assessments, Contact and Risk Assessments. Some of these have been complex pieces of work with families where there have been child deaths/torture, surrogacy and forced marriages. I am trained to undertake Parenting assessments using the PAMS assessment tool parents with learning difficulties and undertaken the teachings. I am passionate about working with families and presenting good quality assessments to assist the decision making process for children and their families.

John Abdullah-Zadeh


Experienced Independent Social Worker throughout England and Wales. Over 40 years Social Work experience, 21 years Local Authority Social Work &Team Manager. International social work, parenting capacity & kinship assessments. Expertise in cultures, ethnicity, faith, and traditions relating to Asian, African, and European families. Immigration and mental health-related issues. Multilingual

Niall Rynne


A qualified, CORU registered and insured Independent Social Worker based in the Rep. of Ireland. Providing professional time sensitive services to Local Authorities and allied professionals in the UK. Working in a systematic, professional and timely manner. Experienced in working with LAs in the placement of children in Ireland from the UK. Services include assessments in Form F, Connected Persons, Special Guardianship, Kinship Care, Parental Assessments, Viability Assessments, Contact Supervision, Court Reports and Expert Witness. Member of the Irish Association of Social Workers IASW, the Teaching Council of Ireland and Council Member in the Rep. of Ireland for Nagalro.