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Please see our latest News articles below.

Hansard report on parliamentary debate of Independent Review of Children's Social Care

12 Dec 2022

To read the Hansard report of the 24 November 2022 parliamentary debate on Independent Review of Children's Social Care please click here Read more

BESTIE - A toolkit for working with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller young people. 2022.

30 Nov 2022

BESTIE - A toolkit for working with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller young people.  2022. Click here to download this resource. Read more

A View from The President's Chambers November 2022

29 Nov 2022

Relaunching the PLO.  To read the report in full please click here   Read more

Ann Haigh 1943 - 2022

Ann Haigh, former Nagalro Chair, Children's Rights advocate, died peacefully at home on 16 Oct 22

16 Nov 2022

Ann Haigh (1943 – 2022)   Nagalro is very sad to announce the death of one of the foremost advocates of children’s rights, former Nagalro Chair, Ann Haigh, on 16 October 2022. Ann served as the Chair of Nagalro from 2007 until 2017 and,... Read more

Haematological evaluation of bruising and bleeding in children undergoing child protection investigation for possible physical maltreatment: A British Society for Haematology Good Practice Paper

23 Sep 2022

Haematological evaluation of bruising and bleeding in children undergoing child protection investigation for possible physical maltreatment: A British Society for Haematology Good Practice Paper Click here to read the paper in full. Read more

Nagalro Press Release calling for for the reinstatement of s1(5) Children and Families Act 2014

05 Sep 2022

NAGALRO CALLS FOR REINSTATEMENT OF s1(5) CHILDREN AND FAMILIES ACT 2014 Nagalro has submitted evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Children and Families Act 2014.  For children in England (but not in Wales) the 2014 Act removed... Read more

Nagalro supports legal colleagues within the criminal justice system

28 Jul 2022

Nagalro acknowledges the escalated industrial action being taken by our legal colleagues within the criminal justice system.  We recognise that barristers are dealing with the unprecedented backlog of 58,000 cases within the criminal justice system.... Read more

Nagalro responds to The Independent Review of Children’s Social Care

01 Jun 2022

NAGALRO RESPONDS TO THE INDEPENDENT REVIEW OF CHILDREN’S SOCIAL CARE Nagalro has issued an initial response to Josh MacAlister’s report ‘The Independent Review of Children’s Social Care.  Nagalro’s Chair, Carole Littlechild, said that the... Read more

Nagalro written evidence to 2022 HoL Select Committee Inquiry on Children and Families' Act 2014

- is the Children and Families Act 2014 fit for purpose? Impact of the repealed provisions of s1(5)

24 May 2022

Written evidence from NAGALRO (CFA0010) HOUSE OF LORDS CHILDREN AND FAMILIES ACT 2014 SELECT COMMITTEE INQUIRY The 2022 House of Lords Select Committee on the Children and Families’ Act 2014 - adoption, care proceedings, special needs: Inquiry... Read more

Supporting families after care proceedings: supervision orders and beyond

Report by Professor Judith Harwin and Lily Golding: Centre for Child and Family Justice Research, La

22 Apr 2022

Supporting families after care proceedings: supervision orders and beyond - Parental perspectives on care proceedings, supervision orders and care orders at home   Click here to download Report Read more

Bridget Lindley Memorial Lecture 'Time for Climate Change in the Family Justice System'

11 Apr 2022

Bridget Lindley Memorial Lecture 'Time for Climate Change in the Family Justice System' Helen Adam gave this year’s Bridgit Lindley Memorial Lecture in Bristol last week and the text of her lecture can be downloaded here.     Read more

Note issued by the Hague Conference on Private International Law (‘HCCH’) about cross border protection and intercountry adoption

21 Mar 2022

Children deprived of their family environment due to the armed conflict in Ukraine In the light of the number of children displaced from their homes and families by the war in Ukraine the Hague Conference on Private International Law (‘HCCH’) has... Read more

Family Justice Young People's Board launches book 'In Our Shoes'

28 Jan 2022

The Family Justice Young People’s Board (FJYPB) launched its first book, In Our Shoes on 27 January 2022. One of the greatest strengths of the board members lies in the members’ willingness and ability to share their experiences of the family... Read more

Child of the North: Building a better future after COVID-19

08 Dec 2021

Child of the North: Building a better future after COVID-19 This report has been written by over 40 leading academics across the North of England. In his Foreword, Lemn Sissay OBE says: ‘It shows decades of under-funding in children’s services... Read more

Nagalro Response to the 'Case for Change' by the Independent Review of Children's Social Care

29 Nov 2021

Please click here to read the Nagalro Response to the 'Case for Change' by the Independent Review of Children's Social Care. submitted on 12 August 2021 Read more

Nagalro Press Release commenting on the President's Report on Transparency in the Family Courts

08 Nov 2021

Nagalro has been taking a close interest in the President's Report on Transparency in the Family Courts, and we have added a brief comment from Nagalro in a Press Release.  The identification of children and young people and the detail of abuse they... Read more

Nuffield FJO paper on children's experiences of private law proceedings

29 Oct 2021

The Nuffield Family Justice Observatory has recently published a new paper on children’s experiences of private law proceedings brings together the findings of 45 UK and international studies spanning 20 years (2000 - 2020). The research suggests... Read more

Supervision of Contact - Assessing Relatives and Friends (SCARF): Tool for assessing wider family and friends to support contact.

25 Oct 2021

Supervision of Contact - Assessing Relatives and Friends (SCARF): Tool for assessing wider family and friends to support contact. Click here to download Tool Read more

Urgent out of hours application for treatment/deprivation of liberty order (16 yr old; LA has PR): Judge finds the LA less than helpful.

20 Oct 2021

A very recent case is of interest where an NHS Trust applied to a Judge in the early hours of the morning for an urgent order so that blood tests and treatment be provided (there was concern about a significant risk of liver failure) for a 16 year... Read more

DfE Adoption Strategy published July 2021

27 Jul 2021

Click here to download the Adoption Strategy published by the DfE on 27 July 2021      Read more