Effective Assessment and Intervention in working with disguised compliance/parental resisttance in safeguarding children
Trainer: Professor Brian Littlechild
This course will be held on-line on Wednesday 20 November 2024 09.30 - 11.45 am
For application form, further details and to check availability please contact Nagalro: 01372 818504 or email nagalro@nagalro.com
This session will address the different forms of disguised compliance and parental resistance in child safeguarding work, and explore the effects of these behaviours on children and staff.
We will consider the nature and incidence of such behaviours, and the risks posed to both workers and children if these matters are not effectively dealt with.
It will examine how we can best assess the risks presented by each of the different forms of resistance, and the ways to most effectively respond to these risks.
The findings from Serious Case Reviews and recent research findings in this area will be discussed, as will key findings on practice and interagency working and effective professional and agency responses.